Thursday, July 30, 2009

Recession Free-The Bailout Package promo

Chiefmacdod's Hex Graphic

This is my first one.. many more to come!

This team is getting better by the second. thesignguy's stuff is amazing

Signguy's Hex Graphics

Bolts Baby

HEX Portal

Sunglass Sunset

If you see this man in the chatbox, say what's up. There is a reason he is THE SignGuy...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Roc's Sequence Ad

Quick one I did today at work in excel :)

Chiefmacdod's New Hex Ad!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ninety SB's Sequence

Skatevid's New Hex ad

Monday, July 27, 2009

Roccityroller and Skatevid's Hex graphics!

Click on the picture to send it to your game! :)


Welcome to Hex

Brought up by Recession Free's very own Clarky (ClaCla Clarkyyy), the team was born out of the Graphics Creator.
Hex is not meant to be a large team such as Hoodlum or Animal Machine, but just a crew of good guys from seperate teams, or even those flying solo, to wear and represent Hex Clothing.

Hex will be appearing throughout many seperate teams, made to bring players, teams, and the community closer together.

Hex skaters will be representing the team through things such as Advertisements, Photos, Skater features, and Collaboration videos, possible more.
The Graphics will be made mostly under the name "HexClothing". Also feel free to search any of the names listed below. You are more then welcome to use them, dont worry, theyll get better...

As of July 21st, the Roster includes:

ClaCla Clarkyyy (Recession Free)
Skatevid2 (Hoodlum, Hostile)
MagicNarcosis (Hoodlum, Hostile)
TehM1l3z (Hoodlum)
Piktro (Animal Machine)
OG Ninja (Recession Free)
PooPooIrwin (Thecouch)
Cheifmacdod (Wizard) (Recession Free)
Thesignguy (OATS brigade)
Roccityroller (Triple Threat)

The Roster will grow in time, and videos may take a short bit to start pouring in. But we thought It would be a good idea to introduce ourselves. Hopefully, most of you already know some of us.